The “SCANNER” automated gaging installation for ultrasonic examination with automatic registration and interpretation of results (model No 6.03) is intended for inspection of the entire pipe, with indication of wall thickness sections exceeding positive and negative tolerances, and detection of longitudinal and transverse defects (dents from 0.015 mm ) in the base metal of seamless cold- and hot-formed pipes made of 12H18N10T, 08H18N10T, 06H18N10T steel and other stainless steel and alloy types Ø 5–90 mm and wall thickness 0.2–10 during the pipe manufacturing process. The length of pipes to be tested is 1.7–12.0 m.
Ultrasonic oscillations are introduced by immersion, and drinking water is used as the contact fluid.
The installation operates in workshop conditions.
The installation is of a HL climatic design as per GOST15150 and demonstrates stable operation under the following conditions:
- ambient temperature: from +5 °C to +50 °C;
- relative humidity: up to 75 % at +25°C;
- atmospheric pressure: 84–106 kPa.
Electrical insulation protection class 01 as per GOST 14254.
Structure and main technical characteristics of the installation
The automatic ultrasonic examination installation consists of a pipe advancing mechanism, immersion bath, acoustic unit and a cabinet with automatic electronic devices. The pipe advances with rotation within the examination zone. The acoustic unit includes six focusing piezoelectric converters. Four piezoelectric converters are intended for defect detection, and two of them are used for thickness indication and identification of deviations from tolerances. Continuity and presence of longitudinal and transverse defects are tested in automatic mode by using the echo-pulse method, with a combined converter circuit and ultrasonic oscillations directed towards each other. The minimum detected defect is a dent 0.015 mm deep. Converters used: P211-5F. Wall thickness testing (0.2–2.0 mm) is performed according to the resonant frequency method. Converters used: P211-5F. Sampling increment: 0.001 mm. Thickness indication error: 0.5 %. The electronic unit includes four flaw-detection channels and two channels for thickness indication. Pipe transport device provides pipe advancement with rotation. The results are presented on the flaw detector monitor. The installation provides the capability of entering any other auxiliary information and its digital printing. The installation can be operated in combination with other external computer systems. Acoustic contact is provided by using an immersion water bath. Additional channels and piezoelectric converters may be connected for measuring the diameters of the pipes under examination. The installation is operated by one operator.