Set of UIU “Scaruch” for oil companies with additional option (MUST of oil reservoirs)


Name Price, RUR., with TAX
Flawdetector UIU “Scaner+” with power supply,case, certificate 788 400,0
MP2 – mechanical unit for welded joints UST two-side  joint access 176 520,0
MP1 – mechanical unit for welded joints UST one-side joint access ( for thickness measurement , UST of T-joint metal construction ) 131 100,0
 AB-1 acoustic unit for welded joints testing with  Н = 4…26 мм 128 520,0
Program for AB-1 (Н = 4…26 мм )(4 ranges) 93 840,0
AB-129- acoustic unit for thickness measurement (thicknessmeter, UST of corrosion, laminations) including IC3(information cable) 136 260,0
Program for AB-129 ( Н=4…26 мм) (1 range) 23 460,0
Information cables (IC-1, IC-2) 62 940,0
Charger(1 pcs) with  accumulator  (12sets.) 19 020,0
Case for ultrasonic set 30 660,0
Reference block for example testing 12 300,0
 Set of PETs (6pcs.) with conecting cables 4шт. for handmode testing P112-5-Ø6/2 93 240,0
P121-5-65SL; 70SL
P121-2,5-60SL; 65SL
SP5-75 KUS
2 double cabels
2 single cabels
Unit UP-1M for cross welds with set of PETs : P121-5,0-70S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.; P121-5,0-65S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.; P121-2,5-65S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.; P121-2,5-60S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.  and Refernce block  Н=10mm (“notch”) 167 160,0
 mini-USB cable  with null-modem cable. CD with program for PC 3 840,0
Training for working on equipment (3 days – 1 group) 40 920,0
Additional option MUST of reservoirs (up to 50т.m3):

Program for UST of tanks(V up to 50т.m3 ) according to МК-18026253.4276.017

140 400,0
-Acoustic unit AB71 128 520,0
– Acoustic unit AB72 128 520,0
– MP2.03 for UST gage interference  reservoirs welded joints 191 460,0
– MAB5 :

  • MP5(ПСК)
  • AB5(ПСК)
  • IC2(ПСК)
361 200,0
– Set of reference blocks(1,5х 1,5) for MAB: H=10;14;17;20;24;28mm***** 6 х 11 520,0 = 69 120,0
– Procedure of MUST of vertical reservoirs with volume up to  50т.m3 СКАНМ by request
ИТОГО: 2 927 400,0


for hand UST Refernce blocks can  be supplied, according to СТО «ГАЗПРОМ» 2-2.4-083-2006 and other procedures. Equal values “diameter x thikness” of Reference block get from Customer. One Reference block price : от 11 520 RUR./pcs. (with taxes).

** for small diameter pipes UST (Ø14…114mm)  there can be supplied special PETs ( «DUET», RSM-5F, P122-5X) and reference block with drilled hole.  Customer is need to explain exact values  “diameter x thikness”  One reference block price: 7 800 RUR./pcs. (with taxes)


***  For UST of tanks throuh underseal – it can be supplied for additional price special features with Reference blocks, program(for thicknes up to 16 mm)according to РД 19.100.00-КТН-299-09; РД 77.060.00-КТН-234-12; РД-25.160.10-КТН-015-15.

**** For UST  of cross flaws and cross welded joint  it can be supplied  refernce block  for customers thickness request. Н=10мм is shown as example.