Set of UIU “Scaruch” for oil companies

Name Price, RUR., with Tax
Flawdetector UIU “Scaner+” with power supply, case, certificate 685 560,0
MP2 – mechanical unit for welded joints UST two-side  joint access 153 480,0
MP1 – mechanical unit for welded joints UST one-side joint access ( for thickness measurement , UST of T-joint metal construction ) 114 000,0
AB1 – acoustic unit  for pipe welded joints testing H=4…26mm 111 780,0
Program for  AB1, Н=4…26mm,  (4 ranges.) 81 600,0
AB-129- acoustic unit for thickness measurement (thicknessmeter, UST of corrosion, laminations) including IC3(information cable) 118 500,0
Program for AB-129 ( Н=4…60 mm) (1 range) 20 400,0
Information cables (IC-1, IC-2) 54 720,0
Charger(1 pcs) with accumulator (2sets.) 16 560,0
Case for ultrasonic set 26 640,0
Reference block for example testing 10 680,0
Set of PETs (6 pcs.) with conecting cables(4 pcs.) for handmode testing and sample* P112-5-Ø6/2 81 180,0
P121-5-65SL; 70SL
P121-2,5-60SL; 65SL
SP5-75 KUS
2 double cabels
2 single cabels
Unit  UN-1  for lap welds  testing with PET set: P121-5,0-70S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.; P121-5,0-65S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.; P121-2,5-65S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.; P121-2,5-60S (23х15х20) – 2pcs.  and Reference block**** Н=10мм (“notch” top-bottom, drilled hole S=S”notch”.) 145 260,0
mini-USB cable . CD with program for PC. 3 360,0
Training for working on equipment (3 days – 1 group) 35 580,0
ИТОГО: 1 659 300,0


for hand UST Refernce blocks can  be supplied, according to СТО «ГАЗПРОМ» 2-2.4-083-2006 and other procedures. Equal values “diameter x thikness” of Reference block get from Customer. One Reference block price : от  10 020 RUR./pcs. (with taxes).

** for small diameter pipes UST (Ø14…114mm)  there can be supplied special PETs ( «DUET», RSM-5F, P122-5X) and reference block with drilled hole.  Customer is need to explain exact values  “diameter x thikness”  One reference block price: 6 780 RUR./pcs. (with taxes)

***  For UST of tanks throuh underseal – it can be supplied for additional price special features with Reference blocks, program(for thicknes up to 16 mm)according to РД 19.100.00-КТН-299-09; РД 77.060.00-КТН-234-12; РД-25.160.10-КТН-015-15.

**** For UST  of cross flaws and cross welded joint  it can be supplied  refernce block  for customers thickness request. Н=10 мм is shown as example.