Specialized ultrasonic transducers

Specialized converters are used when the application of ordinary converters is difficult, impossible or inefficient. For example, separated-combined oblique piezoelectric converters (chordwise converters, “Tandem”, “Duet”) are used to examine butt joints of thin-wall tubes, welded tee-joints etc. Specialized piezoelectric converters have given a good account of themselves in various branches of industry. We have favorable reports from different enterprises.

RSM – 5F ultrasonic chordwise focusing converters

RSM – 5F ultrasonic chordwise focusing convertersRSM – 5F separated-combined oblique focusing converters are intended for quality control of butt joints of small-diameter pipelines (16–51 mm) with wall thickness 2.0–6.0 mm. The converter operating frequency is 5 MHz. Ultrasonic beam focusing allows detecting volumetric defects 0.1 mm in diameter and above. Chordwise configuration is especially sensitive to flute cracks and flat flaws (cracks, incomplete root penetration). Chordwise scanning configuration provides high noise resistance against beads and sags in welded joints. There is no transverse scanning during flaw detection. The converters may be used with ultrasonic flaw detectors produced in Russia and abroad. RSM-5F method of use is approved by Gosgortechnadzor of Russia. There are favorable reports from enterprises which use these piezoelectric converters.

Technical characteristics
Designation Tested diameters, mm Tested thickness, mm Case dimensions (L x W x H), mm
RSM-5Ф-Ø16 16 1,5…6,0 50х17х16
RSM-5Ф-Ø18 18


  • prismatic and the circuit focusing ultrasonic beam;
  • high noise immunity;
  • lack of cross-scan when searching defects.

Ultrasonic focusing transducers RSM-5F

RSM-5Ф-Ø21 21
RSM-5Ф-Ø25 25
RSM-5Ф-Ø28 28
RSM-5Ф-Ø32 32
RSM-5Ф-Ø36 36
RSM-5Ф-Ø38 38
RSM-5Ф-Ø42 42
RSM-5Ф-Ø45 45
RSM-5Ф-Ø48 48
RSM-5Ф-Ø51 51

*manufacture of other possible probes for ultrasonic pipe diameter ∅ 10 … 325mm, thickness 1.5 … 9 mm

“Duet” type ultrasonic converters (series P122 “Duet”)

“Duet” type ultrasonic converters (series P122 “Duet”) Separated-combined oblique converters of the “Duet” type are intended for ultrasonic examination of thin-wall welds of pipelines from Ø57 mm and above and wall thickness 3.0–6.0 mm. The operating frequency of the converters is 5 MHz. The introduction angle is 70 degrees. The application of separate switching circuits allows the avoidance of reverberation noise and reduces the dead area to 0–0.5 mm. The “symmetrical duet” configuration is highly sensitive to root defects because the oscillator is turned with respect to the receiver and the beam is focused in the operating area. A standard adjustment technique is used (by “dents” and “segments”). The working face of the converters is provided with an antiwear coating to increase its surface life. The converters may be used with ultrasonic flaw detectors produced in Russia and abroad.

Technical characteristics
Designation Tested diameters, mm Tested thickness, mm Case dimensions (L x W x H), mm
P122-5,0-70 “Duet” 57…63 2,5…6,0 24х18х22


Specialized ultrasonic transducers

плоский, более 219

SP5-75KUS (“duplex tandem”) ultrasonic transducers

SP5-75KUS (SP5-75KUS (universal) separated-combined oblique ultrasonic converters are intended for quality control of butt joints of pipes, vessels and steel structures with wall thickness of 4–13 mm. The converter is of a “duplex tandem” design. The operating frequency of the converters is 5 MHz, and the introduction angle is 73–75 degrees. A duplex converter configuration provides high noise resistance against sags and increased sensitivity towards planar defects (cracks, incomplete penetration). Converters of this type allow checking of the acoustic contact level and sensitivity, since they form an additional acoustic contact echo-pulse which is visible on the flaw detector display, so it may be used on painted surfaces


During examination scanning is performed only along a welded joint. The working face of the converters is provided with an antiwear coating which increases their service life by 5–10 times. SP5 – 75KUS converters may be used to examine items from 57 mm in diameter to flat surfaces. The method of use is approved by Rostechnadzor of Russia. There are favorable reports from end users, a diploma of an international exhibition and a patent.


Diagram of the converter SP5-75KUS

Diagram of the converter SP5-75KUS

Technical characteristics
Designation Tested diameters, mm Tested thickness, mm Case dimensions (L x W x H), mm
SP5 – 75KUS 57 to surface and more 2,5…12 44х20х35
 SP5 – 75KUS MU  57 to surface and more  2,5…12  44х28х35

Transducers for ultrasonic testing of welded joints of polyethylene pipes

Special ultrasonic transducers  Specialized ultrasonic transducers Special transducers "Duet" and "Tandem"

“Duet” and “Tandem” specialized ultrasonic converters, type P122-1,8, are used for ultrasonic examination of contact-welded joints of polyethylene pipelines. During the relatively short period of their practical application the converters have given a good account of themselves in field and factory applications. Separate switching circuits and big introduction angles allow the reliable detection of vertically-oriented planar defects within the cross-section of a welded seam, at a high signal-noise ratio. Adjustment is performed by flat-bottom apertures. The method of use is approved by Gosgortechnadzor of Russia. Converters can be designed to match other standard sizes of polyethylene pipes SDR11; SDR17.6; SDR7.4, made of PE-63 and PE-80 polyethylene, and others.